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How Nutrition Improves Sports Performance

By now, we all know that nutrition plays a huge part in our health. It’s taught in our schools, and there are thousands of articles online claiming to be able to tell you the perfect diet to cure all your woes. But research has shown that changing your diet can have a...

Top Podcasts for Sports Fans

If you’re a die-hard sports fan, you might be finding that watching sports on TV or in the stadium isn’t always enough. Fortunately, the realm of sports podcasts has become very widespread in the past decade, and they’re perfect for filling the void between games....

Recovery Tips for Athletes

When the competition is over, athletes are just like the rest of us. Even more importantly, they need to rebuild and heal their bodies so that they can do it all over again. The recovery process has become as important as the events themselves these days. So, coming...

The Best Leaders in Sports History

If you ever wondered why successful business leaders quote great athletes and coaches, it is because they have become some of the most notable leaders in history. That said, there are a few who stand above even their own peers. Here are the best leaders in sports...

Four Legendary Football Plays

There are hundreds of plays in a given football game. Over the course of a season, you are looking at literally thousands of plays per team spread across an entire league. But there are definitely more than a few that stand out and stand the test of time. Here are...

Best Exercises for Any Athlete

As an athlete, there is an importance on maintaining and developing your body. That means working to keep it strong and healthy so that you can stay with the competition. Even a little slip up and the gap between you and the next athlete could become cavernous. That...