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What Do Football Players Do After Retirement?

Football players can make a tremendous amount of money during their playing years, but they need to manage it so that it lasts. Many people wonder what they do. There are many questions, such as when they retire, why they retire, and more. Take a look at what they do...

Everything You Need to Know About Football Quarterbacks

The quarterback is one of the offensive players in American football. There are eleven offensive players in total, and the QB is responsible for passing the ball or running plays. Take a look at everything that you need to know about the quarterback. The Role of QB...

Unforgettable Super Bowl Moments

Fans are always excited for the Super Bowl, and they can get together and relive past moments. While they enjoy the game, they can talk about these exciting moments from the past. Super Bowl XX: The Fridge Scores a TD In Super Bowl XX, the Fridge from the Chicago...

How Fantasy Football Came to Be

Fantasy football is popular with many people, but there is little talk of its roots. Some imagine a group of men sitting around talking about their favorite teams and players, and then creating a way to choose players to compete against each other. Fantasy football...

Four Legendary Football Plays

There are hundreds of plays in a given football game. Over the course of a season, you are looking at literally thousands of plays per team spread across an entire league. But there are definitely more than a few that stand out and stand the test of time. Here are...