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Sports are a strong part of culture and growing up. There are many benefits to playing them, as it is important to develop children’s bodies as well as their minds. Some parents have legitimate concerns, such as injuries or the time commitments, but the reality is that the benefits are greater than any negative repercussions. Continue reading to learn why your children should play sports. 

Playing Sports Promotes an Active Lifestyle

Being active will make your children healthier and happier. Playing sports gives kids an opportunity to move around and build up strength and stamina. It can help to reduce body fat, and it helps strengthen their bones and reduces chances of depression and anxiety. It helps kids develop a habit of being active.

Playing Sports Teaches Children How to Win and Lose with Poise

When kids play sports, the reality is that one team will win, and the other will lose. Competition is healthy, and it is important for kids to learn how to win and lose with poise. Winners learn how to enjoy their victory and still show respect to the other team, and when they lose, they learn how to stay strong and come back and try harder the next time. These experiences help kids become more resilient in every aspect of their lives. 

Playing Sports Teaches Children to Work Together

Teamwork is an important skill in all aspects of life, and sports help develop this skill. Kids learn how to work together, and how to trust others to do their part in the game. They learn to respect their coaches, their teammates, and their opponents. They also learn that it feels good to work with others to be a part of something bigger. This will help them in school, in the community, and when they get a job later in life. 

Playing Sports Promotes Time-Management Skills

Playing sports is a time commitment, but children will learn how to better manage their time. They will understand that a practice lasts a few hours, and they will learn how to divide that time so that they get in everything they need. In addition, they will have to determine when they will do their homework if they have practices or games after school. Time-management skills are important life skills that these kids will take with them as they grow up.